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Capturing cherished memories of your trip
We believe that the ideal frame is based on naturalness, emotions and real feelings.
We always try to capture the smallest details in order to convey the full beauty of the frame
We shoot everywhere, where we can get
We can speak 5 languages: Ukrainian, English, French, German and Russian.

P&I wedding video

The wedding took place in August 2019 in France. Everything was very carefully prepared, every detail was taken into account. Despite the cloudy weather, the mood of the newlyweds was very good and we tried to maintain this as much as possible. The day was very busy. The morning began at the hotel, then we went for a walk, after there was a ceremony and a banquet. The walk was long and productive. For more than three hours, we took pictures and shot videos. The video was in one camera and optionally aerial photography.
August, 2019
