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Capturing cherished memories of your trip
Egg Shower | Claire Allzeit | Nicaragua
Travelling around the world, always with the purpose to capture new faces, situations and cultures.

*In Nicaragua until June 3 2018*

Egg Shower

My boyfriend and I have been staying in Nicaragua for more than 6 weeks now.
It is incredible to see how different people live there lives compared to what we are used to in Europe.
The kids are not stuck to their phones or IPads, they just grab their surf boards and enjoy the waves.
These photos are made on one of the best says we have had here so far.
The 9th "locals only" surf contest in Aserradores, North Nicaragua.
During the competition the youngsters get the chance to show off, too.
The winner gets a traditional egg shower by all his friends plus a brand new surf board.
April, 2018
