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Capturing cherished memories of your trip
Chris & Erica | Kirill Karetin | United States
The story is what makes sense to me in wedding photography. The unique moments, emotions have a historical value, so I prefer to capture natural poses and sincere emotions.
I have a dream to photograph weddings in every country on the planet!
Available worldwide!!!

Chris & Erica

I spent 16 months in US, mostly in LA, but also traveling and meeting new people. This is one of the weddings that I photographed there. Small family wedding in Malibu, California. Everything was planned in one place, it's always a great idea! The venue had many different spots to create all the variety of photographs. Details, getting ready, ceremony under the big tree, photoshoot with immediate family and best friends. Then we had time to make few photos of a couple. And then, of course, the Party!!!
United States
November, 2015
