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Capturing cherished memories of your trip
IG @under.pleasure
Photos of people on Vacation | Oky Hartanto | Indonesia
A travel photographer. For details, you can visit my IG: under(dot)pleasure. You can contact me directly via email oky(dot)hartanto(at)gmail(dot)com. Cheer!

Photos of people on Vacation

Travel photography is a genre of photography that may involve the documentation of an area's landscape, people, cultures, customs and history. Many travel photographers specialise in a particular aspect of photography such as travel portraits, landscape or documentary photography as well as shooting all aspects of travel. This genre of photography entails shooting a wide variety of subjects under varied available conditions, e.g. low light photography indoors, available ambient light photography for exteriors of buildings and monuments, shooting on the streets where sometimes conditions may be hostile, capturing moments which rarely recur, capturing the magic of light while shooting landscapes, etc.
January, 2017
